24 12 2009

I just want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! I hope everyone is safe and gets everything they wished for.

As for the Rimando’s, our holiday plans started this morning. Mommy and Benny stayed home as Jett and I headed to the stadium to workout. He likes jumping off all the wood blocks, playing with the medicine balls, and running around the gym. Afterwards, we stopped by Costco for some much needed diapers and goods for the home. Later tonight, it’s off to our friend’s house for dinner, then its home to get ready for X-Mas.

Since Jett can’t read, I’ll share a couple of gifts we got him… trucks, dinosaurs, and choo-choo’s (trains). Thats what he’s been into lately so I’m sure he’ll love everything!  My Christmas came early with the birth of my beautiful Benny Rose that we are so happy about, but I’m pretty sure Santa might bring me something cause I’ve been good this year. On Christmas morning, we’ll wake up, open presents, eat tamales & eggs, then head down to my sister-in-laws house to open more gifts. The rest of the day will involve a lot of relaxing and quality time with the family.

Again, I hope everyone enjoys their holidays as we all bring in a great New Year. It’s going to be tough to have a year like we just did, but I promise come the new year, we’re going to be ready to keep the CUP where it belongs….at Rio Tinto.



One response

28 12 2009

nick, could you do all of us a favor and ask kevin hartman where he gets his hair done when you see him at the jan camp?



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