Lakers vs. Jazz

14 12 2009

Here’s a picture of me and Beckerman after the game in the player parking lot. The Lakers lost but the last 3 years we’ve made it a tradition to go watch the Lakers whenever they come to town. We had a great meal at Takashi and then got the VIP treatment at the game. The only thing that would have made the night better was if the Lakers had won… but I guess that’s what happens when Kobe has the flu and a broken finger from the night before.



4 responses

14 12 2009

Nicky time to become a Jazz fan, dude you live in Utah now!! are you an LA galaxy fan cause they are from LA too?? come on bro!!

14 12 2009
Chris "fuegote" Enger

I cannot support your Laker love but I understand it. In fact, my favorite keeper kit you wear is when you sport the purple and gold.

Thanks for letting the Jazz get one. 😛

14 12 2009

Lakers for life. You might lose some fans out here due to the fact that you like the Lakers, but hey all the people out here only hate what they don’t have. I love that you guys are Laker fans. I can just feel the repeat coming. I feel it for the RSL nation too. Champs fans of the champs, i love it.

15 12 2009
Curtis Kirk

I was going to give you a resounding BOOOO for still being a Lakers fan, but then I read about your new baby girl. CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your little one and please accept a temporary free pass on your misguided selection of NBA teams.

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