Homeboy Q&A – Round 1

11 12 2009

Hey, so a bunch of you commented on Wednesday’s Q&A post and I’m getting back to to you through this video.  Every Friday, I will have a blog post that will answer some of your questions, so make sure to keep the questions and comments coming.

If there is anything at all that you may want to know about me, make sure to post your questions as a comment in this post and I will try to hit you up next week!

Now, go check out the video!



4 responses

11 12 2009

Can you talk a little about The Grounds? I am stoked on what I’ve heard but was wondering if you could give any further insight……..?

11 12 2009
Vawn Parker

Super fun Nick! Looking forward to more of your blogs. You seem like a big fan of all kinds of music……check out Kings of Leon, if you haven’t already. They rock! and will be touring the US again soon.

12 12 2009
Lacy B

Nick, what are your top 3 fav tv shows to watch?

21 12 2009

hey bro would u ever be interested in training new generation of soccer players?

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